Det sies at kjærligheten dukker opp når du minst venter det, og spør man andre par om hvordan de møtte hverandre, kan det virke som det stemmer.
Nylig startet Twitter-brukeren DannyMack en tråd på Twitter der han spurte hvordan følgerne hennes hadde møtt kjæresten sin, og mange av dem hadde en god historie på lur.
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For istedenfor og møtes på fest eller gjennom venner, møttes disse parene på biblioteket, på bensinstasjonen og på Twitter. Les noen av historiene nedenfor!
1. Som følge av en Facebook-tabbe
we were chosen by the great algorithm
— hot yeets, cool tweets (@schulerbenson) 13. juni 2018
2. Han var sjåføren hennes
When I moved for work, he was my lyft driver! We couldn’t stop talking in our 8 minute ride, best friends from that day on. He definitely shot his shot and I was like nahthe friendship! But he took such good care of me I propositioned him on my birthday! Ring shopping right now.
— Tiffany Tracy Lee (@blkpert) 11. juni 2018
3. Hun kjørte på han på en parkeringsplass
I was texting & driving in a parking lot...Omw to meet a different date & almost ran over this HOT guy, I slammed my brakes...He came to my window, I thought he would yell at me...but he asked me out for a drink...I quickly bailed on the other guy, & been w/hot guy since,8 yrs.💖
— 🖕🖕Trisha Mott🖕🖕 (@Trishamott) 13. juni 2018
4. Hun var helt ferdig med menn, men så...
I was out at a fancy club with a girlfriend. I had literally just told her that I was DONE with men and dating. Five minutes later she introduced me to my husband. We've been together since that day, married 17 years this month. ❤️ all these stories.
— Kathryn Terry (@Kat1124) 12. juni 2018
5. På Starbucks
Met her at @Starbucks through mutual friends. Went home that night & told my brother I had met his future wife. Spent 6 months playing match maker - they never quite clicked, but we became inseparable “just friends.” 1 year later dating, then married. That was almost 20 yrs ago.
— Matthew Robinson (@Robinsonpost) 13. juni 2018
6. Gjennom tannlegen
Asked my dentist if he knew someone I could invite to the doctors' annual Christmas ball. My husband was my blind date. Two weeks later he asked me to marry him. We' ve been dancing together for 25 years. May the music never stop🎶
— sleep&totalwellness (@drhamiltonstubb) 13. juni 2018
7. På Twitter
We met on twitter. I was in Canada, she was in the UK. After a couple of trips, she's now been in Canada for 18 months and is applying for her permanent residency :)
— Jeremy Weeks (@djeremyw) 13. juni 2018
8. I luftforsvaret
I was in the Royal Air Force and had not long returned from the Falkland War when a new barmaid started work in the bar on the camp I was based at. It was love at first sight and I knew I would marry her. And I did. 36 years later, we’re still very much together.
— Dougie Brimson (@dougiebrimson) 15. juni 2018
9. Gjennom en astrolog
Astrologer friend ran our "Star charts" and tried to get us to meet because we'd "be perfect for each other." We didn't want to. She refused to leave it alone. He messaged me saying "I don't want to date right now because..." and I was like "Great, me either!" Married 7 years 😊
— TheEverShipping (@TheEverShipping) 13. juni 2018
10. Han var kokk - hun var servitør
He was a cook. I was a waitress. We were fired for kissing in the kitchen. We'll have been married 10 years next month. ❤️
— Melynda Sorrels (@Mjsorrels) 13. juni 2018
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