Fikk grått hår i 20-årene – nå oppfordrer hun kvinner til å droppe hårfargingen

Caroline Furu

Caroline Furu

  • Publisert: 11.01-2019
  • Oppdatert: 14.01-2019
Marthas Instagram-konto har nå over 60.000 følgere. Foto: Martha Truslow Smith

Martha Truslow Smith driver den populære Instagram-kontoen «Grombre» som hyller kvinners naturlige skjønnhet. 

De fleste av oss får grått hår før eller senere, men likevel bruker mange betydelig med tid og penger på å farge bort de grå hårene.

Martha Truslow Smith (26) fant sitt første grå hår allerede som 14-åring, og i 20-årene var hun lei av å farge håret. Hun bestemte seg for å la de grå hårene vokse ut, og begynte å dokumentere det på Instagram.

Det ble starten på Instagram-kontoen Grombre, hvor kvinner verden over viser frem sitt grå hår.

Utfordrer skjønnhetsidealene

– Den underliggende grunnen til at jeg startet kontoen, var for å starte en dialog rundt kvinner og grått hår, og at jeg vil utfordre hva som blir ansett som vakkert og hvorfor, sier Truslow Smith til Startsiden.

Og nå, fire år etter hun startet kontoen, har den fått over 60.000 følgere. På kontoen kan man se hundrevis av kvinner som har valgt å beholde sitt grå hår istedenfor å farge det. Mange av dem er i 20 og 30-årene.

– Det er mange som sender inn bilder til kontoen hver dag, noen ganger over hundre. Det er fantastisk å se tusener av kvinner støtte hverandre på samme måte som de ville gjort med en søster, samtidig som de tar sine egne valg. Det er sterkt, og det er en sånn type verden jeg vil leve i, sier hun.

Se dette innlegget på Instagram

“I started going grey around puberty. I remember clearly throughout middle/high school people would comment with sudden surprise “you have grey hair!” as though it were something to be shocked about - admittedly it might have been a bit strange for a 13 year old to have any silver but hindsight is 20/20 - and as a young girl, I took that as something I needed to be ashamed about, something I needed to hide, so I started dying my hair and would forget about it until a few weeks later as my roots grew in. And then back to the dye. In December 2015 I had a moment in which I was thinking about the importance of authenticity and realized that although I more or less show up as authentically me I can be, I still wasn’t 100% there. I decided to stop the dye and let my truth come through. I feel more me than I have in years. It’s been a journey, and I find that I love it more and more every day. I even inspired my grandmother to stop dying and embrace her grey!” @laeudaimoniaart #grombre #gogrombre

Et innlegg delt av Going grey with (grohm)(bray) (@grombre)

Se dette innlegget på Instagram

“My first gray hair memory was when I was 7 years old. I remember being at school, I had long hair, and it caught my attention. I yanked it out, but never really thought much of it because I thought it was normal; both my parents have ALWAYS had grey since my earliest childhood memories. It wasn't until I got married and I had my second child at 22 that I started to go salt and pepper. One day, my female boss was leaning over from behind as I sat at my desk, and she made a comment, ‘oh my goodness, for such a young woman, you sure have LOTS of grey!’ I felt so embarrassed and ashamed; I did not want to be considered old! So from the age of approximately 24 I started to dye my hair dark brown, the closest I could get to my "natural" color. I did those until I was 41 years old. By then, I was coloring every 2 weeks! I hated it. It grew out so fast, all I could see was a white skunk line. Sometimes when I traveled, I would pack a box of dye in my luggage, just in case. I would be mortified if anyone even suspected that I had grey hair. Many times I tried growing it out, but I felt like I would look hagard and old, and then I'd give in, and re-dye; it was like alcohol addiction...always back to the bottle! Anyhow, I was going to turn 42, and I made a bet with myself... I would go cold turkey for 12 months (no matter what) and see what was really growing underneath the dye. My heart was ready. I got many (unwanted) opinions from friends and my kids, ‘don't do it, you're gonna look old...’ ‘Why are you letting yourself go?’ I did it, it took me 3 years to grow it out completely. I didn't do the big chop, instead, I kept cutting the ends. I have been dye free for 6 years now; I love me and my hair. I get compliments ALL the time. As a matter of fact, people in general think I'm in my 30's; I'm 48. ...and because of my hair, I model for stock photos! I feel more vibrant and beautiful today more than I ever did than when I dyed it. My husband has nicknamed me his ‘SILVER FOX.’” @__la_silver_zorra__ #grombre #gogrombre

Et innlegg delt av Going grey with (grohm)(bray) (@grombre)

Se dette innlegget på Instagram

“I received a compliment from a random stranger the other day about my hair (chic! she said), not attached to friends supporting or instagram love just a random woman who liked my hair silver- that was cool. My husband has not been a fan of the silver (still isn’t)and through the transition that was hard, but after a while it seemed to strengthen my intention even more- made me look that much deeper inward. What if your partner doesn’t love your hair, - “so you don’t like my grey hair- great what’s for dinner”- life goes on, love goes on...its only hair and just a tiny fraction on what makes me who I am, what makes me beautiful as a person. There are so many life lessons through this process that I have grown from. To be fair to my husband, plenty of days I don’t like my hair either, before and after the silver...but we both agree ditching the dye has added a nice bit of freedom to my life that is undeniable.” @khia_redefining #grombre #gogrombre

Et innlegg delt av Going grey with (grohm)(bray) (@grombre)

Se flere bilder på Instagram-kontoen her. 

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