Hertuginne Kate strålte i «Valentines-kjole» på gallamiddag

Caroline Furu

Caroline Furu

  • Publisert: 14.02-2019
  • Oppdatert: 14.02-2019

Den britiske hertuginnen får nok en gang skryt for sin gode klessmak. 

I likhet med prinsesse Diana, har også hertuginne Kate blitt kjent for sine elegante og feminine antrekk.

På BAFTA-utdelingen søndag så hun ut som en gresk gudinne i en lang, hvit kjole fra Alexander McQueen, og onsdag imponerte hun i en romantisk kjole fra Gucci.

I dag er det valentinsdagen, og kanskje hadde Kate dette i tankene da hun valgte kjolen. Den hadde forskjellige rosatoner i seg og matchende fløyelsbelte og clutch. 

(Saken fortsetter under)

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“The first few years of a child’s life are more pivotal for social, physical and emotional development, and for future health and happiness than any single moment in our lifetime.” - Duchess of Cambridge, speaking at the 100 Women in Finance’s Gala Dinner at the V&A Museum London in aid of @heads_together legacy programme ‘Mentally Healthy Schools’. Launched by The Duchess at the beginning of 2018, #MentallyHealthySchools is one of the legacy programmes from the Heads Together campaign, which aims to help people of all ages start conversations about their mental health. The landmark project, run by The Royal Foundation, helps teachers and school leaders better support children's mental wellbeing, by offering school staff reliable and practical resources through a website developed by the youth-focussed charity partners of Heads Together; @afnccf , @_place2be and @youngmindsuk

Et innlegg delt av Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal)

De store diamantøredobbene er de samme hun hadde på seg i søsteren Pippas bryllup i 2017, ifølge Harper's Bazaar. Den vakre safirringen er forlovelsesringen hun fikk av prins William, som tidligere tilhørte prinsesse Diana. 

Anledningen var gallamiddagen «100 Women in Finance», hvor Kate skulle holde tale. Hertuginnen engasjerer seg spesielt mye rundt barn og mental helse, og i det siste har hun vært på mange kongelige besøk for å sette fokus på disse temaene.

Se bilder fra noen av besøkene nedenfor. 

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“It is vital that we support teachers with their own wellbeing so that they can find the best level of care for all children, in their schools and communities in which they work.” — A key barrier to teachers feeling sufficiently knowledgeable and equipped to support the mental health of their pupils, and themselves, is the lack of formal training for teachers at any stage of their careers. Today The Duchess of Cambridge attended the Royal Foundation’s ‘Mental Health in Education’ conference to discuss the importance of consistent mental health teacher training, as well as the challenges facing its implementation. #MentalHealth #MentalHealthinSchools #MHinEducation 📷📽 The Royal Foundation / PA / Kensington Palace

Et innlegg delt av Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal)

Les også: Slik hyller hertuginnene prinsesse Diana